As Contego Medical’s portfolio and geographical impact expands, so does our team. Please check below for open positions or submit your inquiry to

We have no open positions at this time.

Contego Medical employees strive to maintain our guiding values.

  • Simply Sophisticated
    As medical professionals, we recognize vascular procedures can be complex and multifaceted. Expert device integration requires a pioneering mindset to advance innovation that keeps Einstein’s adage, “everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

  • Solving for Better Patient Outcomes
    We carefully observe complex procedures with trained eyes and minds set on innovation. By nature, we complete
    root cause analyses to reveal advanced design solutions that exceed customer expectations and nurture better patient outcomes.

  • All Together Better
    We have a foundation of trust and persistence for innovation. We work better as a team than one of us acting individually to achieve our goals and deliver advanced multi-functional technology that meets the needs of our customers.

  • Don’t Shrink or Settle
    When challenges arise for our customers or teams, we don’t lose heart, we dig deep. We’re emboldened by constraints, bound by confidence and ethics, and will not compromise on quality or take shortcuts.